That moment of success

I must apologize for my recent silence, with end of term coming up I’ve been more than a little busy and this week will be no different. I have my last project looming a week away and it is worth 40% of my final grade. I seem to emphasize that to pretty much everyone I know, but that’s almost half my grade in the class. This project will basically make or break my final grade and I’d like it to be a good grade. But that’s not why I’m here writing this, this post is dedicated to my NaNoWriMo success! Yes, that is correct, I made it to 50,000 words!! In fact I’m currently sitting at 56,730 right now! I don’t know if I’ll make 60,000 words by the end of November since I only have 2 more scenes to write for this first draft, but there’s some extra scenes I want to add in that will bring me over 60,000 words for sure during my first round of edits.

So, what is it like to write a whole novel in 30 days, besides exhausting and temporarily damaging to your brain function. It feels amazing! It’s bragging rights and this huge accomplishment that hangs over your head; it’s proving to yourself that if you actually sit down and write every day, even if its just 500-1,000 words, you can end up with a whole novel on the other end of it. Most of all it’s proven to myself that even on my worst days when I didn’t think I could write anything I was able to force out at least 500 words. There was only one day that I wrote less and I think that was due to actual life being busy. So, my goal is almost reached, I’ll definitely have an ending by Friday and then it will be December. And do I have plans for December, but I can tell you all about that later!

I’ll post at least once more this week to let everyone know what my final word count ends up at. It’s no 67,000 word first draft like Book 1 (which was written in 39 days no less) but I’m still extremely proud of myself. Now I just need to find an agent and a publisher and I’ll be set 😀


Categories: Book Musings, Life or Something Like it | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “That moment of success

  1. Kathy

    I finished my 50,000 last night after a marathon of writing 10,000 of those words in ONE DAY. I feel your sense of victory – Well, done on you!

    • 10,000 in one day?! That’s impressive! The most I did was around 8,000 the first day and I petered out from there! Congrats on your achievement as well!!

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