The Thing About Active WIPs

I made a new folder on my Google Drive called “Active Writing” in an effort to try and help me organize the countless folders I have filled with stories from all aspects of my life, whether it be school writing projects, or collabs, my main book project, and even story concepts. It was all over the place, and I was always having to go back and forth, and then scroll through to find whatever I was currently working on. But no more!

And the crazy thing is, I actually only have three Active WIPs. Like, projects I am currently going in between. THREE. That’s it. I’m not sure why I thought it was going to be SO MANY. But it’s really highlighted to me the power of taking the time to organize my writing. Because previously, I felt a little overwhelmed, and now I’m like, pfft three is nothing! Because I’ve definitely had way more going at once.

And this, obviously, doesn’t factor in my book series, nor does it factor in story concepts that I would like to sit down and write eventually, but it’s a starting point. And since I’m wanting to post my WIPs, and my short stories, and maybe even some of my school writing, it’s got me kind of excited for the future of writing. It’s motivated me to sit down and actually give these stories titles. I’ve written down future scene ideas, and plotted out where I want some of these stories to go, and even how I’d like some to end.

I guess the next course of action would be to separate Active Edits, and Story Concepts. Wish me luck!


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