Posts Tagged With: art

The Year of Projects

I’ve got big plans this year. If I can complete half of them I will be thoroughly impressed with myself! My brain is full of creativity. It overflows with ideas from multiple mediums. I knit, draw, paint, write, music, basically if it can be art-ed I have/will try it. The problem with having all that in my head, is when I sit down during my rare free time, I spend more of it figuring out which project I should tackle than actually tackling the project. This could also explain my bits of insomnia I get because I’m always thinking of how I can do/use objects/things in a creative way. And don’t forget I do have homework every week, and I start a new job on Monday.

You would think I would be good at prioritizing which tasks need to be done in order of due date, but my brain doesn’t work like that. I will start something, switch to something else, go back to the first things, switch to something else, go back to the second thing… You can imagine my apartment, filled with unfinished projects (this is why I need a house with a real studio). So far, the only thing I’ve managed to keep up to task on is being involved with my blog. I’m posting regularly, and interacting with the people I follow! (yay!) I’ve still got a lot of knitting to do, which I’ve been slowly plugging away at, and a new painting project I just bought a canvas for on Thursday that I’m super stoked to start as soon as I can decide on the kind of picture.

I’m really interested in dabbling in more impressionist style, and I got some really cool looking shells down at the beach I’d like to incorporate in a sort of mixed media. I was thinking maybe fairy-wings? But if I crushed some of them up maybe they’d make cool stars against the nights sky? But I love the way the sun glows… See where this is going? Never mind the reading I haven’t done in, oh, I don’t know, 2 or 3 months? I read 45 books last year, some of those were a popular comic called The World God Only Knows, but I still find that impressive. It’s a new yearly record for me. Usually I start January all gung-ho, but this year I haven’t looked at a book, let alone picked one up to read. (December was the TV catch up game so I feel fine on that front).

I need a time chart. Some kind of organization regime for my life… as if that could possibly work with the way I obsess when I start a new project, HA! But ANYWAYS, this post is all over the place (apparently like my life) so I’m going to sign off. My husband wants to eat dim sum and that’ll take some time. Homework sounds like a good plan for now, then I’ve got a dishcloth pattern I’ve been hankering to try. It’s so cool, and you end up with a raindrop pattern. Ciao for now ladies and gents!


P.S. I like how this is my author blog and I did not say one single thing about the book collecting dust on my hard drive… I should at least open it probably. That is what got me here after all 😛

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2nd semester

As school likes to distract, I have made zero progress on my book since this semester started two weeks ago. I have already had to submit a small contest project, write a short essay, a 1000 word short story and I don’t even know how much textbook reading… a lot in any case. I still have one more paper due at the end of the month that I need to go to some list of art-type things to write it. Unfortunately I’ve been so busy I haven’t even looked at the list, in fact, I don’t even know where it is… Since I have less than 2 weeks to do it I guess I better find it. So there you have my life right now. School, school and more school.

On a happier note I have started reading again! I went through my long list of books and started adding all the books I am now behind on and woah, all of a sudden my to-read list jumped to well over 200 books. So I have started the long journey of hopefully starting my way through some of them. I am sitting at 223 to-read now, and I have two books I’m currently reading. I also ordered 13 books with some of my Christmas money and am excited to have them come in the mail. The only thing missing is to get a library card, as I haven’t gotten one since I moved. I made a long-list of all the series I wanted to read, and then I short-listed them by series I wanted to read first and since that came to over 300$ I had to short-short list into ones I wanted to start most, hahaha.

With my nose back in the young-adult genre, I feel like I’m a little more in the loop with what’s going on again and upcoming books! Now to somehow balance that with school and finishing my book then I will really be set! Chat soon!


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The Mark Has Been Made

Is what I have tentatively named the flashback part of book 1 which I still have yet to finish even though I had all these plans to, and I am down to my last 10 days before school starts up again. In order for me to finish I would need to accomplish a chapter a day and that’s just if my guess of having 10 chapters left is true, however I suspect it is a little bit more. So what have I been doing this month that has prevented me from writing for three weeks? I have not been without accomplishment. I studied hard for exams and came away with a whopping 87% on my creative writing final boosting my first term final grade for that class to 83% and finishing with an A-. As long as I can hold that during second term I will actually make it into the 2nd year writing program! I also painted 2 canvas’ for Christmas presents. An Alice: Madness Returns for my brother and a Legend of Zelda: OoT for my parents.

My family came to visit me the weekend before Christmas, which was both fun and over much too quickly. I miss them terribly. I have been feeling out of sorts for the last week, sleeping way too much and eating way too much, as if my body is trying to make up energy it is lacking, although I’m not sure why. It’s made me feel extremely unproductive though, and I haven’t been able to do much of anything. It was like, I completed NaNoWriMo, finished all my final projects, studied for exams, finished 2 paintings and crashed. Crashed in a very hard way. I am forcing my way back out of it now, and hopefully I’ll be back to my normal self soon.

We’ve spent the last couple days visiting my in-laws for Christmas and it has also been nice to see them since we haven’t visited since September. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in 2014, and if it’s anything like 2013 it will involve some even bigger life changes than this year. This is my December update. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, Hanukkah, winter solstice or whatever you celebrate! And in case I don’t get another post in here I am wishing you all a wonderful New Year!! May it hold many good things and exciting new adventures, I know mine will!


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