Posts Tagged With: literature

The Frustrating Parts

Good Morning all,

Sometimes I feel like editing my book is the most tedious thing. In 39 days I had the first draft written, but it’s been 50 days since then and I’ve edited 10 chapters. And I haven’t even reached the higher up chapters that I plan on giving complete and total makeovers! I find editing frustrating sometimes because it never seems good enough. Every time I read it I feel like I should change something and I know that’s common, but it doesn’t make it suck any less. Today I will be reviewing chapters 9 & 10 to make sure the past two days of edits are good enough to leave as is and then I’ll move on, because I’m slowly learning that once you’ve edited something, you can’t go back to it, otherwise you will be there forever.

Something else that’s frustrating is how long it takes to edit. In 3hrs I had 1.5 pages edited. Yesterday I spent 2hrs in the morning and then edited straight from 3-10pm and then again from 12-1:30am and I got somewhere around 7.5 pages (or one and a half chapters to be precise). Sometimes it feels like I’m just re-writing the whole goddamn book, and maybe I am. When I think of my first draft, the story line didn’t even make sense because I was still fleshing out most of the plot and characters. As I wrote, the story changed, so by the time I got to the end of the book the characters themselves contradicted each other. So I guess in a sense I have been re-writing things now that I know people better. And it’s easier to know what they would do… most of the time at least.

I’m excited to finish the book and I guess what is frustrating the most is I can’t just edit for 30min. If I want to edit I need to allot a large block of time because, well frankly if I only got 1.5 pages in 3hrs, I’ll be lucky if I get 2 sentences in 30min and its hard to constantly be interrupted like that. It messes with my train of thoughts and then I get half way through writing something and when I finally get back to it I have no idea what I was trying to say. I know I need to still have a life, but I honestly don’t think I would be upset if 90% of my days were spent on the book and then I had 10% of people time. I know that sounds sooooo bad, but it’s hard having all this stuff locked inside you with no time to get it out.


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Bedroom Scenes

Ok, so, I’m pretty sure my novel is going to remain in the YA category, so I don’t plan on having a super descriptive erotic scene, but I have neared the end of my book where shits about to go down and my main character is feeling pretty emotional. I have reached the “bedroom scene” and I’m having trouble writing it. Not because I can’t think of anything, but because I hold the knowledge that once I’m done, I will post it on my google doc and my parents will go read it. I can’t be the only one who is bothered by stuff like this. I know sex happens, I was born, I am married and I have plenty of friends who have kids or are expecting. But I’ve always been super private about my love life.

Maybe it was my upbringing, but I think I’m old fashioned in the sense that bedroom stuff stays behind closed doors. I’m not even a big fan of PDA’s and its very rare that I will kiss my husband in public, not because I don’t love him, but because it’s no ones business. Except when you’re writing a story it becomes everyone’s business. All those intimate sexy things that roll around in your head and all those really special intimate times you shared, or you read, they are all there on the paper. I still blush when I read intimate scenes in other books, whether its sex or a really good kiss, I feel like I’m intruding on their moment. I realise its a fictional story with fictional characters, and maybe I’m just REALLY weird, but I can’t help it.

I know my mom probably wouldn’t be so bothered by it, because she’s sent me some pretty steamy book recommendations, but the knowledge that my father is going to read that and then think of me writing that is… well, its embarrassing and it makes me feel self-conscious. This whole book I have been able to separate Alice from my life, Alice has written this whole book up to this point and she’s done a fantastic job. I need to get back into Alice’s head space and just write. I need to forget about everyone who might read it, and find that place. If I was my main character what would I do, what would I think, I need to be her so I can react like her. My new mantra should be What Would Alice Do? 🙂


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